Arquivo da tag: january

[Photo-Essay] Casarão – pt. 3 – final

This is the last part of the photo essay made by Thierry Durieux in January 2012.

To see the first and the second parts, please, click HERE, and HERE.

For more pics, also visit: Elaine Oliveirarte’s Flickr.


Inside out. What can you see inside this house? Emptiness… Memories… What can you see outside? Life…

casarão - janeiro 2012 - Bahia

casarão - janeiro 2012 - bahia

casarão - bahia - janeiro 2012

january - 2012 - bahia - casarão

casarão - bahia - 2012 - january

casarão - january - 2012 - bahia


What would we do without our SONY Cybershot 16.1 DSC-W570? LOL

I hope you all enjoyed these pics.

This is the last part of the Photo-Essay “Casarão”.

I really need to do more photo-essays… And I’ll do it!

Thanks for visiting this blog!


2 Comentários

Publicado por em 30 de maio de 2012 em fotos, News, photo essay, photography, photos, pics


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